Saturday, September 28, 2013

Lindsey Graham #6

This week senator Graham spoke only of ObamaCare.  He spoke about how it is bad for the public, and that we all should try and stop it.  This all lead up to recently when congress took a vote as to weather or not we should defund it, and senator Graham proudly boasting that he voted to defund it.

I believe that ObamaCare needs to be defunded because all it is doing is wasting tax payers money on things that other peoples taxes shouldn't be going towards.  At this moment in time, these taxes that are now being used to fund the all mighty and wonderful ObamaCare need to be redirected to funding more important things, such as something that can pull our country out of the 14 trillion dollar recession that we are now facing.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Lindsey Graham #5

This week senator Graham talked about the events regarding Bengazi.  He said that to know the real truth as to what happened, we need to talk to the survivors of the attack.

I agree once again with senator Graham.  To truly know what happened, if either it is the fault of the Obama administration or not we need to get first hand accounts from people that were there.  Knowing this information will be good for the US and will hopefully (Probably not) lay this conflict to rest.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Lindsey Graham #4

This week senator Graham talk once again regarding the actions that our country has taken towards the Syrian threat. He stated that his beliefs as to the Obama Administration's approach to the Syrian threat has been a debacle.

I agree with senator Graham, the approach that the Obama Administration has taken concerning the Syrian threat has been awful so far.  Nothing has been done (That we the public know of at this moment) so far, and we are just making the US look like a weak nation.  We are proving to the Syrians that they can do what ever they want to do, and because we are not taking any actions against them, we may as well be telling them to go ahead and let them do as they please.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Lindsey Graham #3

This week senator Graham talked about the foreign affairs reguarding Syria once again.  He said that in the situation that the US is left to face, the decisions that we have to make will only have a bad, and a worse outcome on our country.

As much as I would like to disagree with this statement made by senator Graham, in the situation that our country is facing right now there is no simple and easy way to diffuse this conflict.  The fact of the matter is that if we intervene with the conflict in Syria, there is a threat that a war could result because of it, and if we do not, the chemical warfare in Syria will continue to occur; and our country will be seen as weak because of our empty threats that we have imposed on them.